Dear friends, It is finally available the last 2013 newsletter from EUBIA! Please read or download it for free here
Yearly Archives: 2013
Biomass Industry Action Plan 2020 launched The Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) has handed over the Malaysian Biomass Industry Action Plan 2020 to Ambassador and Head of the European Union Delegation to Malaysia Luc Vandebon, to mark the launch of the plan recently. The plan aims to […]
In the framework of the GERONIMO II project (, EUBIA will deliver a presentation during the workshop on Thursday the 24th October at Marloie, Belgium: Production de biofertilisants riches en matières nutritives à partir du digestat: les opportunités et les obstacles au développement du business en Wallonie et […]
THE FUTURE OF BIOFUELS AS ALTERNATIVE FUEL FOR THE TRANSPORT SECTOR INTERGROUP MEETINGWednesday, 16th of October 2013, European Parliament, Brussels On 16 October 2013, the chair of the Transport & Tourism Working Group of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch hosted […]
A warm welcome to Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC) The Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC) is the largest single academic department within Lancaster University and spans the physical, biological and social environmental sciences. A total of £35M in capital investment since 2004 has provided LEC with state-of-the-art controlled environment facilities, […]
EU BC&E 2014: Call for abstracts! The European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2014 will be hold on 23-26 June 2014 in Hamburg, Germany. Submit your work by the 28th of October! Be quick and download the guidelines here More information on the EU BC&E 2014 on the official […]
EUBIA is glad to welcome Aqua Enviro among its members! Aqua Enviro Ltd is a recognised consultancy specialising in the treatment of water, wastewater, biosolids and organic waste. Our clients include the water utilities, waste management companies, manufacturing industry, regulators and governmental bodies. We provide a range of […]
From biomass to bioenergy, materials and products: boosting the EUs bioeconomy through cross-border collaboration 10 October 2013, 9am-1.30pm An official side event of the ’11th European Week of Regions and Cities’. Venue: Welsh Higher Education Brussels, Wales House, Rond-Point Schuman 11, B-1040 Brussels The transition to a bio-based economy is […]
In 2010, as a result of the FP7 Joint Biorefinery call, three RTD projects, EUROBIOREF, BIOCORE and SUPRABIO were commissioned with the aim of accelerating the development of advanced biorefinery technologies for the integrated manufacture of a range of bioproducts including energy vectors, chemicals and materials. Four years later, these projects have now […]