EUBIA and the Africa Energy Indaba Conference and Exhibition have reached an agreement of cooperation which shall increase the visibility and profile of the association and its members in a promissing market for renewables as Africa. The Africa Energy Indaba Conference and Exhibition is the foremost African energy event for professionals across the globe. The high-level event is endorsed by the World Energy Council and presented by the South African National Energy Association. Furthermore, it has the support of the African Union and the NEPAD. All these institutions are part of the steering committee which has chosen a series of main topics such as “Renewable Energy and low carbon energy development in Africa” or “The development of bio-energy in Africa“. The conference will take place on the 17 and 18th of February, 2015 in the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg.
Regarding the exhibition, the 2014 edition received 1400 visitors from 44 countries with 49 exhibitors, making it the biggest exhibition of its kind in the African continent.
EUBIA and its members have been granted a series of benefits such as discounts to attend the conference and exhibition or an extra complimentary delegate pass among others. EUBIA members interested in participating in this high-level event and therefore benefit from EUBIA cooperation with Africa Energy Indaba are encouraged to contact the conference organization.
For more information please visit Africa Energy Indaba webpage: http://www.africaenergyindaba.com/
Check the program here
In order to register a place at the event please contact Liz Hart