Drilona Shtjefni, Deputy Secretary General of EUBIA, will represent the Agrocycle project in the workshop of the Climate Show. The International Food Waste Valorisation Workshop will be dedicated to the most innovative solutions for the protection of the climate and the reduction of carbon emissions. Its objective is to bring […]
Monthly Archives: November 2017
EUBIA will participate in the Climate show which takes place in Geneva between the 6-8 of April 2018. The Climate Show will have different themes, workshops and forums organised around a showcase of technological advances. Tangibly, the Show will provide answers to questions about reducing carbon emissions, limiting global temperature increases […]
Young Farmers’ Policies after the 2013 CAP Reform: public hearing and study. 23th November the AGRI Committee dealt with the issue of young farmers. Mr Caputo (S&D, IT) is the rapporteur of an implementation report related to the measures decided in the 2013 CAP reform. A study called “Young farmers […]
Next Tuesday 28th of November DG ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy) will vote on two reports on the Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (Recast) and Energy Efficiency. Both reports form part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package. Please find more information about the upcoming […]
Market and regulatory issues related to Bio-CC(U)S: The IEA Bioenergy Special Project on Bio-CCS and Bio-CCU in cooperation with the Directorate General of the European Commission is organising this workshop to address market and regulatory issues related to large-scale industrial implementation of Bio-CC(U)S as a climate mitigating tool. The whole-day workshop […]
SET-PLan action 8 – Published Implementation Plans: Actions towards implementing the integrated SET Plan: -Initiative for Global Leadership in Concentrated Solar Power Implementation Plan -Continue efforts to make EU Industry less energy intensive and more competitive Implementation Plan -Renewing efforts to demonstrate carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the EU […]
ACI’s European Algae Industry 2018 will take place on 25th & 26th April in Vienna, Austria. The event will once again bring together key players within the algae industry including leaders from cosmetics, food, feed, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals across the globe allowing attendees to gain a deeper understanding of recent industry developments and, most […]
The Manifesto was presented to Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, in Brussels on 17 November 2017. The European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Manifesto and list of endorsement in which EUBIA appears, have been published on the European Commission’s Bioeconomy website.
Fish in a new climate: Researchers from different countries are creating models to assess the feasibility of introducing species in another environment. Oysters and other species of high commercial value are being studied in a European research project aimed at understanding how climate change will influence Europe’s fish and shellfish […]