Horizon 2020 data on proposals offer statistics about the projects proposals for the calls such as how many proposals were submitted by each country or which is the success rate of the mentioned proposals.
Regarding the requested EU funding, the total goes up to 208.075.369.639 euros, with 127.492 eligible proposals from which 15.184 were retained. The country that is at the top is the United Kingdom with 36.741 eligible proposals from which 5.246 were retained, Germany, Italy, Spain and France followed in the ranking.
The eligible and retained proposals by Thematic Priority are classified by success rate, being indicated the number of eligible proposals submitted and the retained ones.
The type of organisation requesting EU funding were by order of amount of proposals, higher or secondary education, private for profit (excl.education), research organisations and public bodies (excl. research and education) between others.
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