This ENRD workshop on ‘The Future CAP: towards a Performance-based Delivery Model’ is taking place the 30th of January in Brussels. It will bring together Managing Authorities (MAs) and Paying Agencies (PAs) to discuss a possible new delivery model in rural development based on performance. Please find more information about […]
Monthly Archives: January 2018
In December 2017, the European Commission presented a list of priority energy projects, including fossil fuel projects. The aim of these projects consists in enabling the EU to comply with the energy and climate objectives. However, the list has been strongly criticised by the Parliament. The main discordance lies on the large number of […]
DowDuPont is a merger from two companies, Dow Chemical and DuPont that came together on August last year (for 18 to 24 months), bringing together three business (DuPont Pioneer, DuPont Crop Protection, and Dow AgroSciences) in agriculture, material science and specialty products. The aim of the merger was to ‘create […]
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was created in 1962 and is one of the oldest European policies. From that date, there have been reforms that adapted it to the changes in society. The objectives of CAP are to ensure a stable and sustainable production of food, providing the supply needed […]
The Deputy-Secretary General of EUBIA, Drilona Shtjefni is going to be the Chairman of the Biopolymers Summit that is taking place the 14th-15th of February in Dusseldorf, Germany. The confirmed topics for the Summit are: Environmental Policy Impact on Biopolymer Industry Brand Owners and Retailers Perspective on the Growing Role […]
The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking Event will be taking place the 17th of April 2018. The BBI JU is focused on promoting a productive, sustainable biomass, optimise efficient processing and viability for biorefineries as well as in the markets, products and policy framework. The BBI JU working plan on Call for […]
A Public Consultation on the establishment of the Innovation Fund in the policy context of Climate Action was launched last year and contributions are welcomed until April (consultation period: 15/01/2017 – 10/04/2018). The main objectives of this consultation is to give the possibility to the public and stakeholders to express […]
The European Commission has adopted the first strategy for Plastics that aims to contribute towards Circular Economy. This Strategy forms part of the Circular Economy Package, which appearance goes back to 2015, when it was first adopted. Its objective is to achieve a European Circular Economy where resources are used in […]
On Wednesday 17th of January MEPs will vote on three files in the clean energy package: the Renewable Energy Directive, the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Governance Regulation. The Renewable Energy Directive consists on establishing an EU policy for the production and promotion of energy from renewable sources. At the moment, […]