Since its approval, the European green deal has challenged different sectors, addressing them to move toward a sustainable future for Europe.
In line with these objectives, the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) has opened a 2020 Call for proposals for actions with the aim to booster the bio-based sector in Europe.
To clarify and explain the functioning of the 2020 BBI Call, during the morning of the 22nd of April, the BBI Info day was held. The meeting took place online and registered a great number of participants interested in building a greener and more sustainable Europe.
BBI can have a big impact on “creating new business models to integrate strategic partners including the primary sector, accelerating the commercialization of sustainable solutions in circular bio-based economy, accelerating the commercialisation, establishing carbon neutral operation, and establishing new consumption patterns for circular bio society”, Dirk Carrez, Executive Director at BIC, displayed during his speech. He, also, added how important is involving “people with right skills, innovative technologies, including digitalisation, innovation creativity, cofounding”.
As part of the bioeconomy strategy for the EU, BBI aims to develop sustainable and competitive bio-based industries in Europe, based on advanced biorefineries that source their biomass sustainably.
This expected to have an impact on Europe by 2030 bringing an increase of the jobs, particularly in the rural area, a replacement 25% of oil-based chemicals, a development potential of agro-food “waste” & forestry residues. The consequence of this is to reach an average 50% GHG emission reduction.
If we have a look at the beneficiaries, most of them are SMEs. In fact “SMEs are very essential for the program cause they are out of the box thinkers and the supplier of the innovation of the technology needed in the project, but alone it is very difficult for an SME to scale up their technology and to get access to the market.” underlined Dirk Carrez, inviting to read the online report about the participation of SMEs in the projects (new study by BBI JU analyses the landscape of SMEs in its projects).
BBI JU’s mission is to implement the Strategic Innovation & Research Agenda (SIRA) developed by industry in collaboration with the EU. In her presentation Ana Cuadrado, Project Officer at BBI JU presented SIRA strategies orientation which consist in: fostering supply of sustainable biomass feedstock to feed both existing and new value chains , optimising efficient processing for integrated biorefineries through R&D&I, developing innovative bio-based products for identified market applications , creating and accelerating the market uptake of bio-based products and applications.
BBI program covers these strategies through different actions: CSAs Coordination and Support Actions, RIA research and innovation actions, IA-demo innovation actions- demonstration, IA flag innovation actions flagship.
Ana Cuadrado showed the timetable of the call, whose closure is scheduled for the 3rd of September 2020.
Canalis, Project Officer at BBI JU, pointed out the legal
and financial aspects of the 2020 Call.
Regarding the participation, it has been stated that any legal entity
from all over the world can apply (legal entity means natural or legal person created
& registered under national law e.g. large industry, SMEs, research
organisations, universities, NGOs, etc.), as well as International
organisations and the JRC.
Even if such legal entities can apply and participate, not all of them are eligible
for funding. Also, the funding rates can change it depends on the type of
action or participant.
For the 12th of May BBI JU gives the chance to meet and exchange with other potential applicants, and to start building the BBI JU project consortium.
For detailed information, are available online:
for Applicants
Strategic and Innovation & Research Agenda
Call 2020 ‘FAQ for Applicants’