Since last year, EUBIA has joined the consortium of the BLAZE project, aiming to realize a Biomass CHP system featuring low costs, low emissions and combining gassification and SOFC.
As part of the dissemination and communication activities carried out for BLAZE, EUBIA has joined forces with Greenovate Europe (from the project Smart CHP) and has launched the stakeholder platform BIOCOGEN 2030.
BIOCOGEN is a stakeholder community dedicated to biomass-based combined heat and power (CHP) systems, it will foster knowledge exchange, gather feedback on R&D activities and enhance networking in the area, with the overall mission of increasing the share of bioenergy in the cogeneration market by the end of the decade.
BIOCOGEN 2030 wants to be a flexible and open forum focussing on: biomass characterisation and suitability; process developments; market assessment; standardisation issues, and non-technological barriers.
Here you can download the presentation on BIOCOGEN 2030 detailing its goals and forseen activities
Here you can register to the platform and stay updated on upcoming activities and initiatives.