HOOP, VALUEWASTE, SCALIBUR and WaysTUP! are four active projects funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme that work to develop innovative solutions to transform urban biowaste and wastewater into new added-value products like feed, fertilisers, bioplastics, biopesticides, proteins and bioethanol. The projects started at different dates (2018, 2019 and 2020), […]
EUBIA is proud to inform its participation to “BIOMAC” project, an Horizon 2020 project that started in January 2021. The main goal of the project is to reduce all the barriers that hinder the full development and revolutionary applications of biobased nanomaterials and similar technologies. In order to do so, BIOMAC […]
One of EUBIA’s newest members, the Aristotelis University of Thessaloniki, is among the organisers of the 5th European Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry that will be hosted in Thessaloniki, Greece between the 26th and 29th of September 2021. For this year’s Conference the topics of the EuGSC will once […]
The 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition was the first event of its kind to be hold entirely in a virtual form. It was a tough challenge, in a completely unexplored field but the staff and the organization managed to deliever a great result. Eubia is a supporting organization of […]
Since last year, EUBIA has joined the consortium of the BLAZE project, aiming to realize a Biomass CHP system featuring low costs, low emissions and combining gassification and SOFC. As part of the dissemination and communication activities carried out for BLAZE, EUBIA has joined forces with Greenovate Europe (from the […]
EUBIA is partner of the BLAZE project, aiming to develop a low cost and advanced cogeneration plant combining Fuel Cells and fueled by biomass waste and residues. Recently, the BLAZE project has joined forces with the Smart CHP project to launch the Stakeholder platform “BIOCOGEN 2030“. BIOCOGEN 2030 is a stakeholder community dedicated […]
Since its approval, the European green deal has challenged different sectors, addressing them to move toward a sustainable future for Europe. In line with these objectives, the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) has opened a 2020 Call for proposals for actions with the aim to booster the bio-based sector […]
Tord Fjälström, one of the founders of the European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA) and its President for 20 years, passed away on March 25. We feel deep sadness.Tord, as a trusted and invaluable colleague, worked endlessly in promoting sustainable bioenergy and developed our association always with carefulness and his own […]
The EUBIA Award was created in 2000, almost 20 years ago, when biomass development was at its early stage. The role of this prize has always been to support those companies and organization demonstrating high effort and success in biomass technology development at commercial and industrial level. Take the challenge […]