Registration opened for Horizon2020 info days on Societal Challenge 5. The 2 days conference will be held in Brussels on September 11th-12th and will featured several sessions on the 2018-2020 calls. In particular, the focus of the event will be on climate action, raw materials and circular economy. The conference […]
PNNL developed an innovative thermo-catalytic process to convert ethanol in alcohol-to-jet synthetic paraffinic kerosene (ATJ-SPK) paving the way for an increase in sustainable aviation fuels. This ground-breaking procedure was possible after the revision of ASTM D7566 Annex A5, allowing ethanol as approved feedstock for the production of ATJ-SPK. The new […]
IKEA and Neste reached a major achievement in their collaboration, by becoming the first companies to produce biobased plastic from a fossil-free raw material at commercial scale. The use of renewable residues and waste raw material (like used cooking oil or sustainably-produced vegetable oils) to produce polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene […]
EUobserver reports that the Norwegian parliament will adopt a new national budget including €29.5 million funding dedicated to carbon capture and storage (CCS) innovation. The CCS technique stores CO2 gases in liquid form underground, preventing it from being released in the air. According to some future scenarios, this technology will […]
The biomass demand is constantly growing in the EU, given to the energy efficiency targets and the increase of renewables share in Europe requested by the Energy Union Strategy. Since the most important biomass supplies come from several sectors (agriculture, forestry, waste, fisheries, aquaculture, and algae) this article aim is […]
A new ambitious agreement has been reached during the 5th interinstitutional trilogue on the RED II directive, where representatives of the 3 EU institutions managed to find a deal on the Energy Union file. After long discussions, the trilogue accepted to put in place binding targets of 32,5% of renewables […]
At the beginning of June, the European Commission presented its proposals for the future of the CAP (common agricultural policy) and EU food and farming system. For the next multiannual financial framework, going from 2021-2027, the Commission proposed a reduction of around 5% for CAP funding. The proposals are based […]
The 2018 European Sustainable Energy Week took place in Brussels from 4th-8th June. This year edition is focusing on ways to lead the clean energy transition, and one of topics under discussion was the role of architecture in the sustainable revolution. The panel “Architects’ contribution in the clean energy transition” […]