A new study published by Friends of the Earth Europe and Zero Waste Europe reveals that plastic food packaging could be fuelling food wastage instead of reducing it. The report analyses a period from 2004 to 2014 and highlights that current policies are underestimating the environmental impact of plastic […]
The EU commission unveiled its proposal for the protection of farmers and SMEs, which are often lacking bargaining power in the food supply chain. The initiative addresses unfair trading practices, as late payments from retailers, unilateral or retroactive changes to contracts and last minute cancellations for the order of perishable […]
This week is “Strasbourg week”, the moment of the month when MEPs meet for the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The agenda for the April session presents several issues at stake and some among them are particularly relevant. MEPs are expected to discuss the reduction of greenhouse […]
The Societal Challenge 2 infoday is taking place at the end of June. The Charlemagne building, in Brussels will host the first day of the event on June 25. A brokerage event will take place the following day at the Borschette center. If you want to know more about H2020 […]
CEN and the German Federal Environment Ministry published a study comparing different analytical methods for recycled nutrients products, including struvites, sewage sludges and sludge incineration ashes. The aim of the research was to understand if existing methods could be used also for new fertilisers. The comparison of 6 chemical digestion […]
The European Commission published a report on Critical Raw Materials (CRMs), stressing their potential for Circular Economy and calling on stakeholders to share their opinion on the topic. The report is organised in three sections, and its aim is to show key data sources and share best practices to promote […]
IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency published a report on the EU 2030 prospects for renewable energy. The study, wanted by the European Commission, is part of IRENA’s roadmap on renewables: REmap. The objective was to identify cost-effective options for member States to achieve the 27% target for renewable energy, and […]
In 2015, the European Commission published an Action Plan to revise the 2008 directive on waste. It was the sparkle starting the discussion on the “Circular Economy Package”. The initiative set ambitious targets to tackle the topic of waste and recycling, and change consumers’ and producers’ approach from linear to circular. […]