PRIMA is the Partnership for R&I in the Mediterranean Sea. The association supports innovative projects to foster the development of Mediterranean societies. PRIMA opened several calls for proposals in the agro-food and water sector: Management of Water Water reuse and water desalination for agricultural and food production Farming Systems Improving […]
Jean-Louis Reverter, a french fruit farmer, developed a kit to improve the biological activity of the soil. The invention made him won the Pierre Sarazin Foundation innovation award. The tool consists in a kit and a methodology to interpret the results. The kit allows farmers to analyse samples of their soil and understand […]
Last November, the European Commission presented a proposal on how to address the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) going forward. Czeslaw Siekierski, Chair of the Parliament’s Agriculture Committee and EPP Member, stated that the sector needs to be strengthened in order to be adapt itself faster, as technological developments, for example, occur more rapidly than changes in […]
A biofertiliser is being produced in Italy by recovering digestate generated after anaerobic digestion from municipal waste. The process is not only using waste as a resource but helping farmer as the biofertiliser is a resource of organic carbon that does not exceed the maximum N-application for fertilisation. Read the entire EIP-Agri article here Good practices […]
Are you a professional in the field of the European farming sector? EIP-AGRI is looking for 20 experts to join its Focus Group and answer this core question: Which new on-farm practices and technologies can limit food loss? Farmers, advisers and researchers are welcome to share their knowledge and experience, in order to assure a […]
EUBIA is glad to announce that its Deputy Secretary General, Ms Drilona Shtjefni was awarded as the best Young Association Executive of 2018. Each year, the Association International & European awards selects the most successful executives of the year, and for its 2018 edition, it recognised the success and efforts made by […]
Drilona Shtjefni, Deputy Secretary General of EUBIA has been shortlisted for the Award Young Association Executive of the Year at the Association International & European awards. The awards ceremony will take place on the 13th of March in Antwerp.
On 6-7 September 2018, ICT Solutions will organise the International Renewable Energy Forum 2018 which will bring together renewable energy experts, professionals and leaders from across the world. The two-day event will take place in Vienna, Austria and will cover a number of key topics which includes: New European Climate […]
Ghent University will soon launch the new End-of-Waste Business Development Unit which aims at setting up an academic-industrial collaborations in the field of reprocessing organic-biological bypass flows into valuable chemicals, energy, materials and products which can be re-used in a range of sectors. The platform will bring together a multidisciplinary consortium […]