The IRENA Global Atlas is an online stimulator developed with the objective of identifying and figuring out how to utilise the unused arable land available worldwide as a source for bioenergy production. The users can estimate the potential yields of bioenergy produced anywhere in the world based on the data […]
The Call for Applicants published by Low Carbon Business Action Team, is part of the International Business Matchmaking Programme between Small and Medium-sized enterprises from Brazil and the EU 28 Member-states. The main sectors covered by the call are: Heating systems and technologies; Process automation and controls; Design and engineering […]
The Bio-based Industries (BBI) Joint Undertaking (JU) is in charge of implementing open call for proposals for research and innovation actions, along with the support actions, based on the Horizon 2020 rules for participation.The 2017 Call for Proposals opened officially today. Collaborate with EUBIA EUBIA will soon start working on new proposals, and looks […]
On 4th of April, the MEP’s voted a report by Czech GUE member Kateřina Konečná, calling on the European Commission to take measures to ban the use of palm oil in biofuels by 2020, and elaborate a single certification scheme for palm oil entering into the EU market. The debate started […]
Andrea Salimbeni’s power point presentation on “Exploring different organic waste valorisation strategies From fresh material to power”, given at World Biomarkets conference 2017 in Amsterdam, can be viewed here.
EUBIA’s Project Manager Andrea Salimbeni, gave a speech on “Exploring different organic waste valorisation strategies: From fresh material to power” at the World Biomarkets conference on a session chaired by Bob Cleaves, President and CEO of Biomass Power Association. Mr. Salimbeni presented an overview of the EUBIA’s vision on the […]
The European Commission selected 31 members and 2 observers for STRUBIAS expert group on recovery rules for fertilising products and EUBIA is among expert members. The STRUBIAS expert group is a sub-class of the Commission Working Group on fertilisers. It will be operational until the completion of its work which is foreseen to be at the end […]
Giuliano Grassi, Secretary General of the European Biomass Industry Association gives opening speech at the VIth Forum of Biomass & Waste on 9-10 March 2017 in Cracow. More information can be found here.
A position paper was drafted upon the findings of the 2016 DANUBIONET Bioeconomy Capacity Building Survey. The survey was carried out by the Central European Initiative and PANNON Pro Innovations Ltd. in order to assess the main challenges regarding the development of Bioenergy and Bioeconomy in the Danube Region. The […]