On 15 of March 2017, Andrea Salimbeni gave an interview for Polska Export Promotion Porta, in which he explains the role of the Association in supporting biomass industry as well as the benefits in becoming member of EUBIA. Read the article at the following link: https://kujawskopomorskie.trade.gov.pl/pl/aktualnosci/234084,european-biomass-industry-association-stowarzyszenie-przemyslu-przyszlosci-.html
Nominations for the prestigious Johannes Linneborn Prize, given each year at the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition for “Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Energy from Biomass”, are being accepted through 24 February 2017. The nomination form is short and simple, and can be submitted online. Further details about the […]
EUBIA launches cooperation with reputed UniCRE Research and Education Centre in Czech Republic UniCRE carries out applied and basic research in the field of industrial chemistry. Its main focus is: efficient and environmentally friendly production of fuels preparation of feedstocks for production of polymers sustainable use of renewable raw materials […]
EUBIA welcomes first Chinese member CPCEP Bio-energy LLC., a pioneer in advanced technology integration and investor on full organic waste treatment, clean energy transformation and integrated utilization at home and abroad. CPCEP Bio-Energy LLC. was founded in Beijing, P.R. China in 2015 with registered capital 100 million RMB, as […]
From 2 to 5 of November, EUBIA, together with its board Member ETA Florence, travelled to China in order to meet its first Chinese Member and to start a set of intensive cooperation activities aimed to support the Biomass Development in the country. The intensive programme defined for of EUBIA […]
€8.3 million Horizon 2020 SAltgae demonstration project for proving the techno-economic feasibility of using algae to treat wastewater from the food industry was launched in June 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Over the course of three years, 19 project partners including EUBIA will implement innovative technologies for each step of the […]
EUBIA proudly announces the launch of €8 million Horizon2020 AGROCYCLE research and innovation project addressing the recycle and valorisation of waste from the agri-food sector. Part of the 26 partners consortium from 8 EU countries plus mainland China and Hong Kong, EUBIA will assist in the development of a holistic […]
The 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition took place between the 6th and 9th of June in Amsterdam and provided an unique overview of the state of play of the sector as well as painted a clear picture of the role of biomass in achieving the transition to a […]
Connecting Ambitions CONSULTANTS WITHIN THE BIOECONOMY FIELD EUBIA is glad to welcome on board PNO Consultants, an important long-term stakeholder within the European bioeconomy panorama. PNO is an independent grants and innovation consultancy, providing full services throughout Europe to a wide range of clients: from SMEs to multinational companies, non-profit […]