On October 22nd and 23rd 2018, the Horizon 2020 projects AgroCycle and NoAw and over 200 representatives from policy, academia and industry came together in Beijing, China, for a joint conference on the management of agricultural waste and residue for a circular bioeconomy. The aim of this conference was the research of Shared […]
This publication provides an overview of the most relevant annual energy related statistics for the European Union as a whole and for each of its Member States. The data contained in this pocketbook is drawn from several sources: from the European Commission’s services, from international organisations such as the European […]
On, 12 October 2018, a new harmonised set of fuel labels will appear across Europe. They will give drivers better information on the suitability of fuels for their vehicles wherever they travel in the EU, helping them avoid misfuelling and informing on the environmental impact of their choice. The new […]
On 19 October 2018, the European Commission adopted an update to the Directive on minimum EU stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products, to continue to guarantee the highest level of security of energy supply in Europe. The review in 2017 of the functioning of the Directive currently in force concluded that […]
This year’s SET-Plan Conference will take place in Vienna, Austria on 20-21 November. The discussion will be on progress towards the SET-Plan priorities, following the finalisation of the relevant Implementation Plans and aims to identify how research and innovation efforts, at European and national level, contribute to the EU’s energy […]
EUBIA is glad to welcome the last added member of the association, the LUT School of Energy Systems. The University, located in Finland aims to achieve an in-depth system-level understanding of the transition to a carbon-free energy system, and its economic, environmental and technological factors and the factors that influence […]
The VALUEWASTE is the new H2020 project, that will be launched in November 2018. The project is a European initiative coordinated by CETENMA (CentroTecnológico de la Energía y Medio Ambiente) and has been granted funding by the European Commission, under the “Societal Challenge 2” programme. The consortium is made up […]
EUBIA signed a Joint Letter asking for rapid conclusion and adoption of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation. The Letter was signed by a number of stakeholders underlining the importance of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation for the nutrients in the Circular Economy on 15th October 2018. The letter was sent to Mr Katainen (European Commission) […]
Today,11/10/2018, the Commission has put forward an action plan to develop a sustainable and circular bioeconomy that serves Europe’s society, environment and economy. As announced by President Juncker and First Vice-President Timmermans in their letter of intentaccompanying President Juncker‘s 2018 State of the Union Address, the new bioeconomy strategy is part of the Commission’s drive to boost […]