Turning crop waste and discarded paper into a material called biochar could help to capture carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the soil while also helping to enrich farmland. Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-09-recharging-soils-carbon-farms-productive.html#jCp
“Researchers in Stuttgart, Germany are using new catalytic processes to convert 3-carene into building blocks for bio-based plastics. The new polyamides are not only transparent, but also have a high thermal stability. Polyamides play an important role in the manufacture of high-quality structural components, as they are not only impact- […]
“EPFL’s Laboratory of Sustainable and Catalytic Processingexternal link has developed a chemical method that stabilises simple sugars and prevents them from being degraded. This method could mean that chemists no longer have to balance deconstruction of the plant with avoiding degradation of the product. The new method changes the chemical susceptibility of the […]
“Now a small but growing group of innovators is turning to the genius of nature in an attempt to put wastefulness and pollution in the apparel industry out of fashion, right at the source: They are using live organisms to grow pieces of biodegradable textiles, creating environmentally friendly materials in […]
The most recent estimates are based on 2015 data and the key messages in this report are: 1. In 2015, the bioeconomy generated 4.2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the EU and employed 8.2% of the labour force. 2. Concomitant growth in value added and reduction in number […]
The 1st Plastic Road bike path was recently opened in Zwolle, Overijssel (Netherlands). 30 meters of path contain recycled plastic equivalent to more than 218.000 plastic cups or 500.000 plastic bottle caps. The pilot location is equipped with sensors to monitor the road’s performance such as temperature, the number of bike […]
The article from the University of Nottingham about how seawater could be used to lower freshwater footprint of bioethanol when combined with a new strain of marine yeast. According to a University of Nottingham statement, it is estimated that between 1,388 and 9,812 litres of freshwater are consumed for every litre […]
Submit your abstract by 5 November 2018 ! EUBCE is the largest biomass research event in the world and provides a unique platform to present new ideas, results and analysis. The programme will be organized according to the following main Topics, reviewed and updated to reflect the latest research focus […]
he European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference returns to The Royal Armouries in Leeds on 13-14th November, with a jam-packed programme showcasing the latest innovations, best practice, cutting-edge technology and research in the waste water and resource management sectors. The full programme has now been released and is available to […]