The promotion of manufacturers of SET (Sustainable Energy Technologies) into the emerging markets provided by the recent Kyoto target obligations
Aim – to facilitate the entry of European manufacturers of SET, current know-how and European research results into the emerging markets in Europe (EU Emission Trade Scheme) and Asia’s CDM (Clean development Mechanism) market.
The project was stimulated by the Kyoto Protocol which demands reductions in CO2 emission by 8% of 1990 values in the period 2008-2012 by its signatories. Companies now need to abide by their given CO2 emission quotas (EAUs – Emission Allowance Units) or buy EAUs from other members otherwise they will face fines.??The project is based on a technology push and a market pull model, where the push is based on the encouraging of European RES suppliers and manufacturers along with Asian manufacturers and researchers into the emerging markets. The Pull is based on a change of structure of European and Asian markets to a more environmentally green stance, where green technologies are encouraged. The scope of T@W is broad as it will cover Bio energy, Wind, Solar Thermal, Small-scale hydro and Geo-thermal energy.
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T@W published the final publication in March 2008 and it is now available to download in pdf format online. This publication Sustainable Energy Technologies / RTD practice at the ETS and CDM markets evaluates and reviews the results of the T@W activity in order to extract lessons and compare observations in the targeted regions within Europe and Asia with a view to identifying the best ways to promote SET with an EU perspective. It aims to be an inspiration for EU ETS companies around Europe.
In addition, this publication introduces the SETatWork: Sustainable Energy Technology at Work project, which continues these activities with support from the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), with an extended focus on energy efficiency in industry and the use of polygeneration in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
T@W: Sustainable Energy Technology at Work?
Sustainable Energy Technologies and RTD practice at the ETS and CDM markets: ?
An inspiration for the various market actors in Europe and the world??? Download the Report (2251Kb PDF)