‘Creating Markets for Renewable Energy Technologies – EU RES technology marketing campaign’
The project aims at developing and implementing a concise, well-targeted and thematic approach to ensure the uptake of selected RES technologies in the market. In other words the consortium works towards establishing a technology marketing campaign for the different RE technologies involved. So far the market uptake of R&D results does not happen in the best possible way. Lack of information and use of synergies between stakeholders (industries, governments, consumers) is still seen as the the critical barrier to large-scale RE technology use in the market place. RESTMAC aims to reverse this trend by:
- A sectoral approach with the objective of promotion and valorization of selected technologies with relevant and strong socio-economic potential;
- A geographical approach with the identification of key market areas where those technologies first selected could be largely deployed;
More specifically the project will look at renewable electricity technologies, renewable heating and cooling technologies and thirdly, the production and distribution of liquid biofuels. A key objective of the project is also to target New Member states in the EU and European Islands, along with Asian states and the mediterranean area where there is significant potential for RES as yet un-harnessed.
The renewable energy sectors to be marketed include:
- PV (photovoltaic)
- SHP (Small Hydro Power)
- Biomass
- Geothermal
- Solar Thermal
- Wind Power
EUBIA, along with AEBIOM, is responisble for the biomass marketing campaign. So far we have completed the outlining document for a series of brochures, each 16 pages long. Each of the 5 brochures are based on a different biomass technology or intiative. These are:
- Pellets for Small-scale Domestic Heating Systems
- New Dedicated Energy Crops for Solid Biofuels
- Procurment of Forest Residues
- Co-generation at Small-scale
- Bioethanol Production and Use
To download the outlining “Technology identification and classification” document (Task 5.1, Deliverable 18) please click here.
Workshops and Downloadable brochures:
EUBIA conducted 2 workshops (Deliverable 20) based around the Cogeneration and Bioethanol brochures (Deliverable 19).
They took place during the 15th Biomass Conference & Exhibition at Berlin on the 9th of May. Some interesting questions were raised, one for example reinforcing the point on CHP efficiency being dependant on all year use of heat and power as in many cases the 8700 hours a year is not required therefore one has to carefully look at the application and feasbility of the system in question.
Other interesting issues were raised during the bioethanol workshop where sustainable agriculture, possible problems from changing crop use to energy crops and the economic advantages of a biofuel industry for rural development where areas that featured in the discussion.
Download the “Cogeneration at Small Scale” brochure, for the french version click here.
Download the “Bioethanol Production and Use” brochure, for the french version click here.