EUBIA, the European Biomass Industry Association, is partner in many European Commission co-founded projects as well as in many international commercial initiatives where bioenergy is promoted at all levels. Thanks to its experience, gained in more than 20 years of activity, EUBIA is able to operate supporting bioenergy in each of its aspects.
EUBIA has a strategic position within the European and international world institutions and is an important partner in the EU bioenergy research projects which represent the major economical support. The complementarities should give us possibility for several synergies and collaborations between us in order to develop bioenergy market in Europe.
The present EUBIA action is related to:
- The identification of possible business opportunities;
- Identification of technical solutions and of commercial technologies worldwide
- Identification of private investors (min. ~ 20% of total investment), vital criteria for economic viability consensus.
Due to the present financial difficulties, low private investment volume, low market expansion by Bioenergy activities in the E.U., EUBIA in the frame of global world bioenergy markets deployment is looking and promoting specific international cooperation projects and commercial (on the edge of commercialization) activities with important countries, especially USA, Russia Federation, China, India, Brasil. The implementation of these new types of projects could represent considerable learning experience also for repetition in the E.U. The maximization of the economic viability will be the driving rule:
- For the selection of modern efficient technological processes (world-wide)
- For choice of configuration and integration of activities.
- For the high consideration of environmental sustainability (soil, water, wastes, emissions) and constraints
EUBIA: Your shoulder in identifying business opportunity!
EUBIA has an high experience and expertise in business and networking opportunities and can offer its assistance both in identifying promising projects and to investors (external or association members) and providing assistance for identification of patent and procedures.
EUBIA promotes bioenergy, activities in particular commercial, at small, medium and large-scale projects in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders (industries, local and national/international organizations, biomass providers, financing institutions, etc). In particular, we contribute to identify attractive economic opportunities, to promote common business and trades, commercial technologies and biomass resources supply able to penetrate large energy industrial markets.
The role and efforts of EUBIA is focused on promoting new commercial Bioenergy activities for the future, having promising potential of:
1. Economically viable projects (for attracting private investors)
2. Large repetition rate in all continents
3. Fast markets penetration to obtain large impact on CO2 mitigation, by environmentally sustainable activities.